School Policies
The College maintains the following policies and procedures.
The College maintains the following policies and procedures. Members of the public and parents are welcome to contact the school for further details on any of the documents listed.
Discipline Policy and our Tarbiyah Pledge
At Arkana College, we hold a holistic view of education which dignifies the child, through Tarbiyah (transformation). Parents must actively reinforce the Tarbiyah approach at home by adhering to the ‘Tarbiyah Parent/Guardian Document’ and agreeing to and signing off on the ‘Tarbiyah Pledge’ as part of the ‘Parents/Guardian’s School Enrolment Agreement Contract’. Character transformation is not taught, but transferred. Discipline needs to be intrinsically motivated by the quest to please Allah ﷻ and the achievement of Taqwa (God consciousness).
By nurturing Adaab (the way one conducts themselves), we cultivate values and morals which are firmly based in the revealed tradition of Islam, with the aim of developing good humans in the service of Allah.
Muhasabah and Muraquaba (self-assessment, evaluation, and self-accountability), are at the core of our whole school practice. Everyone should reflect upon their words, actions, and thoughts, and understand that these have a significant impact on the quality of their relationships and interactions, within our learning environment. Disciplinary action is guided by equity, compassion, and mutual respect.
Arkana College aims to emulate the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who is the exemplar of the ‘Insan Al Kamil’ (the complete person) by achieving Ihsan (excellence) in all that we do, by fostering a balanced, harmonious, and purposeful way of living, guided by the exemplary conduct of our Noble Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, so that all members of the Arkana College community grow closer to Allah ﷻ, by doing good deeds, developing positive relationships, and serving humanity and Allah in the quest for eternal life.
Guided by the exemplary conduct of our Noble Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) based on the Holy Quraan and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Arkana College is an Islamic school following the Sunni tradition and jurisprudence.
Child Protection
We have a zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to acting in children’s best interests and keeping them safe from harm.
The safety, protection and well-being of all students is of fundamental importance to the school. Child Protection policies within our school ensure we have built a child safe community and it is the responsibility of all stakeholders (school staff, parents, students) to take action to prevent harm to students.
Parents’ engagement with children, both in the home setting and through school-based programs, is seen as crucial to the success of prevention programs, as parents are often the first and major source of information for children. To build parent and community awareness of child safety in schools, the following video, has been produced to assist parents and carers to recognise concerning behaviour and have the confidence and capability to report this behaviour to the appropriate person in the school.
The Principal and Ms Ghazi are both child protection investigators and all matters should be reported immediately to either of them.
Complaint Handling
Arkana College values its students, staff, parents and the wider community. It believes that a process for the acceptance, monitoring and resolution of conflict, complaints and grievances is in the best interests of maintaining a harmonious, supportive and productive school community.
The school’s grievance policy is aimed at providing a mechanism for resolving grievances in a quick, simple, well defined manner in a supportive and co-operative environment with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.
Parents that wish to raise a concern are encouraged to raise it directly with the classroom teacher, before attempting to raise it with the Principal. If the Principal is the subject of the grievance, contact can be made with the Chairman of the School Board.
School Policies include:
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Assessment Data Policy
- Asthma Policy
- Building and Premises Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Critical Incident Policy
- Discipline Policy
- Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Statement
- Duty of Care Statement
- Educational and Financial Reporting
- Evacuation Policy
- Experienced Teacher Accreditation Policy
- First Aid/Asthma Policy
- Governance Policies
- Grievance Policies and Procedures
- Homework Policy
- Infectious Diseases Policy
- Information Technology, Computer, Telephone and Equipment Code of Use Policy
- Lockdown Policy
- Maintenance Policy
- Medical Treatment for Students Policy
- Proficient Teacher Accreditation Policies
- Risk Assessment Management
- Safe and Supportive Environment Policy
- Social Networking Policy
- Student Attendance Policy
- Student Exemption Policy
- Student Leadership Policy
- Work, Health and Safety Policy
- Workplace Rehabilitation Statement
- Whistleblower Policy
- Adab;
- Confidence;
- Responsibility;
- Empowerment;
- Generosity;
- Integrity;